Friday, June 20, 2008

schools out for the summer

School's out for the summer but it's not the same as it used to be.  Granted, I've been looking forward to school being out almost as much as the kids.  No more lunches to make at least for a little while.  No more homework enforcement.  No more morning arguments.  
But this summer will be different because I'm teaching so that knocks out a lot of the relaxation and the boys are going to camp.  They've been going to camp for a while now. I guess the difference is I need them to go to camp.
Yesterday, we had a nice long relaxing day that started with them lying on the couch like lumps and watching TV until I made them turn it off around noon. Oh well.  I know they need to decompress.
Today, a couple of their friends are coming over and I have a last minute assignment at Princeton University, so it won't be quite that long leisurely day.  I guess I'm OK with that. I'm trying to make working from home work and that's won't happen unless I actually get assignments.
I also have to make desserts for the visit to my father. Once I'm through with that, I can move on to my true vacation on the Shore. I just want to lie on the porch and read and lie on the beach and read.  Then I'll feel I'm really on vacation. Sigh.