When is it OK to leave your kid by himself?
We’ve had this dilemma a lot lately. We left both boys home for back to school night at my son’s elementary school and I felt a pang when the principal said she would let all the parents get home to their babysitters.
I was OK when we left them alone for local parties in the area too. When we take W. to his dance class or I run out shopping, I’m fine at leaving my 12-year-old alone.
But tonight my older son is going to back to school night at his middle school with us, so I hired a babysitter for my 10-year-old. It just didn’t feel right leaving him all by himself, even though I’m sure he would have been fine.
At the end of the night when I’m $24 poorer, I may think better of that decision. But somehow I felt he might be lonely and scared with no one home. Then again, maybe I’m just treating him like my baby. Poor kid.
I once looked into New Jersey’s law about when you can leave your child by himself and it turns out there’s no age limit. You can be charged with neglect if you leave your kids alone and they’re too young but the law’s no help on what constitutes too young.
This week, we’re going to have a similar dilemma after school and I'm just going to have to grit my teeth and let them be latch key kids for one day. But I know I'm going to worry about them.
This is one of those questions that have no answer. You can’t look it up. You can’t research it. You just have to go with your gut. My problem is even my gut doesn’t know what to do.
Art from When is it OK to leave your kid by himself?
We’ve had this dilemma a lot lately. We left both boys home for back to school night at my son’s elementary school and I felt a pang when the principal said she would let all the parents get home to their babysitters.
I was OK when we left them alone for local parties in the area too. When we take W. to his dance class or I run out shopping, I’m fine at leaving my 12-year-old alone.
But tonight my older son is going to back to school night at his middle school with us, so I hired a babysitter for my 10-year-old. It just didn’t feel right leaving him all by himself, even though I’m sure he would have been fine.
At the end of the night when I’m $24 poorer, I may think better of that decision. But somehow I felt he might be lonely and scared with no one home. Then again, maybe I’m just treating him like my baby. Poor kid.
I once looked into New Jersey’s law about when you can leave your child by himself and it turns out there’s no age limit. You can be charged with neglect if you leave your kids alone and they’re too young but the law’s no help on what constitutes too young.
This week, we’re going to have a similar dilemma after school. There again, I’m sure the kids would be fine if they came home and did their homework until I got home an hour or so later. I’m the one who feels funny about it.
So I’ll probably try to get them both a play date so I’ll be sure that they’ll be perfectly happy that I’m gone. I know this is purely mother guilt but I can’t help myself.
This is one of those questions that have no answer. You can’t look it up. You can’t research it. You just have to go with your gut. My problem is even my gut doesn’t know what to do.
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