When I tucked him into bed, I told him that he is just like me, he has visions of what he wants and no one can stop him. I told him we were bound to butt heads that way, just like two goats. He didn't quite get that one. I later realized that he had taken a velvet board I have for my beading for his hovercraft for his birds. It seems he had created a hovercraft (a box with lights in it), for six of his stuffed birds. When he again became teary-eyed at me disturbing their hovercraft nest, I told him he could keep it but then I was so annoyed that I slammed the box down and disturbed the hovercraft. So I had to apologize all over again and tell him he could keep the darned thing.
Sometimes I feel like nothing is sacred in our house. The kids feel like the can take anything - anything is up for grabs. I'll see the turkey baster in the bathroom, the timer will be next to the bed. It makes me crazy.
But it's good to keep in mind that the reason that R. and I get so mad at each other is he's just like me. When I get mad at him, I'm really getting mad at myself. Hmmm.
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