My children are complaining bitterly that I am torturing them and ruining their summer. Why? Because I’m forcing them to read for half an hour a day and spend 20 minutes working on math and writing.
I’m hoping that by forcing them to fit in some work along with their splashing in the pool or riding the waves at the beach, they just might arrive at school in September with one or two thoughts left in their head.
It turns out these long, lazy days of summer can mean losing valuable reading and math skills by the time summer resumes, according to experts.
``We think that they're both really associated with the same factor and that's the opportunity to practice,'' explains Harris Cooper, a professor of psychology and director of the education program at Duke University who did one of the most extensive studies on the matter some call the summer ``brain drain.''
Parents can make summer a time for reading anything children are interested in, from comic books to road maps, suggests John Schacter, president of the Teaching Doctors, who helped found a reading camp for inner-city youth in Los Angeles from 2000 to 2003. Activities such as cooking and playing games also help sharpen skills.
Reading with children for at least 20 minutes a day is crucial, Schacter says, adding that it's also important that parents find books at their child's reading level, especially for a struggling reader.
`` Children should be allowed to read anything they want, whether it's comic books or fashion magazines, says Ann Rambo, associate professor of family therapy at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale and author of ``I Know My Child Can Do better: A Frustrated Parent's Guide To Educational Options'' (McGraw Hill, 2001).
As for writing, Schacter suggests children make up plays or stories or write letters to relatives. They could even help with grocery lists or planning trips.
Helping with math skills is more difficult because drilling seems the only avenue. But studies show that many children lose math skills during the summer for precisely that reason. Parents can help children practice math by having them add up purchases at the store or keep track of mileage on road trips or practice measurement in cooking projects.
Children from disadvantaged homes are the most likely to lose reading and math skills during the summer, according to research.
Schacter cites one study showing that these children may fall behind 2 1/2 years between kindergarten and fifth grade.
Some school districts have responded to the summer ``brain drain'' phenomenon by having a longer school year and starting school earlier in the summer. Others offer summer schools to help with academic skills. But putting children through a structured program during the summer can make reading and math chores, warns Schacter.
A better idea is offering summer camps for children who need extra help and trying to make it fun for children to improve their reading and math skills, Schacter says.
Parents should keep in mind that summer is also a great time for children to learn and develop in other ways, whether it's playing sports, practicing music or doing art projects, Rambo says. It's also a great time to learn through trips to museums or zoos or doing their own experiments, she points out.
Playing board games and puzzles can increase cognitive skills, Cooper says. And they're a good way for parents to spend quality time with their children.
It is important that the joy of learning doesn't diminish, Rambo says. ``There are a lot of academic skills that aren't measured in school. You can look at summer as an opportunity to spend more time with your child, to teach them in your own way.''
So, don't give up the lazy, hazy days of summer entirely. You can still spend most of the day lying around at the beach or by the pool with your children.
Just make sure you bring along a good book.
This is a revised version of a “Family Matters” column that appeared on July 12, 2005. Illustration from Lushpix at Fotosearch.
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