I love summer but the last few weeks of August have this melancholy feeling. It’s still hot and sunny but I’m always aware that school is just around the corner and that our somewhat leisurely lifestyle is about to make a 180 degree turn.
In just a few weeks, we will be tied to the calendar again. We’ll be driving our kids to piano lessons and dance lessons and whatever other activity my kids have. I’ll have PTO meetings and my own classes to teach and I’ll probably be substitute teaching. (This may account for my melancholy).
Sure, it’s a beautiful day today and our big plan is to walk over to pick up William from camp and go get some ice cream. But the end of the summer is looming over us like some dark cloud on the horizon.
I’m starting teaching in just three weeks and my kids are starting about five days later. Yesterday, my soon to be fifth grader got a letter from school with a list of supplies and two projects. (He has to read a book and construct a device that will allow him to drop a raw egg from a crane without the egg breaking).
That’s all fine but it’s another reminder that the end is near. On the other hand, Mom’s Diner will get to close its 24-hour service when the kids are back in school and there’ll be less time for sibling squabbling. So I’m pretty sure I’ll be ready for them to go back. In fact, once September comes along I’m going to be counting down the days.
Still, I can’t help but see each day now as one step closer on the road back to reality. It makes me appreciate summer but it also makes the dog days of summer bittersweet.
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