Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Exercise Catch-22

I’ve finally realized that I have to exercise in order to keep my sanity. At the same time, I’m finding that it’s virtually impossible to find time to exercise.

I’m sure I could find a dozen articles telling me all about the benefits of exercise and they'll all say I should exercise 30 minutes a day. But none of them explain how to find time to work out. It is one of those infuriating Catch-22s.

My solution has been to wake up at 6 a.m. and walk with a friend a few days of week. This starts my day out right but it also leaves me sleep-deprived and groggy. I’m not a morning person and I’m not discipline to give up a good book or the latest episode of “Entourage” for a good night’s sleep.

Every once in a while, I manage to fit in some exercise while doing my mom duties. The other day, for example, I biked with my son to his piano lesson. I came home feeling breathless but virtuous.

The days are gone when I could find time to go the gym although I may have to resort to early morning classes if I can’t find any other solution. I’m just afraid I’ll hit the snooze button every time I think about that step class.

So I’ll keep trying to fit in exercise where I can in my quest for serenity. If I have to do yoga under my desk, so be it.

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